Monday 27 August 2007

Manchester Pride Parade and Dinner at Nawab's


Last weekend was fantastic.
The weather was very good and we managed to go out and enjoy the weekend.

On Saturday, we went to Manchester.
We actually wanted to go to Primark for shopping but we were stuck in Manchester Pride Parade.

The traffic management of this event was horrendous.
They closed most of the road but failed to provide alternative.
We parked our car at Dickinson Street but we couldn't get to the other half of Manchester city centre.

So, we ended up watching the parade to the end.
The event was fun though. :)

By the way, here are some of the pics from the parade.
Again, they are from Aunt Niza's facebook.
(P/S: I took them without her consent. :D)

After shopping at Primark, we went to Nawab's for dinner.

I ate a lot of foods but I liked the ice cream the most.

Here are the pics.

1 comment:

Nik Hasmizie said...

ajak, lama tak tengok kau hahaha. ooo kasi anak makan ice cream ye hehehhe.dah berapa kali kau pegi old trafford?